Here's where you start, no matter what grade level you are! You will love Life of Fred, a creative fun story based math program that really appeals to creative children.
The first book in the Life of Fred Elementary Series; the first book of kindergarten material.
You will learn:
Numbers that Add to 7, Circles, Ellipses, Reading 6:00 on a Clock, 5 + ? = 7, Days of the Week, Leap Years, Spelling February, Dressing for Cold Weather, 15 Degrees Below Zero (-15o), Deciduous Trees, Deciduous Teeth, Counting by Fives, 3x + 4x = 7x, Archimedes 287 B.C. Wrote The Sand Reckoner and Got Killed Being Rude, ante meridiem (a.m.), Donner and Blitz in German, One Million, Euclid Wrote The Elements, Squares, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Whales Are Not Fish, The "There Are Zero . . ." Game, Sets, the Popularity of Zero, Why Boats Are Cheaper to Rent in the Winter, Triangles, Herbivores and Carnavores, the Colors of the Rainbow, a King in Checkmate, the Story of the Titanic, <> (not equal), x + 4 = 7, One Thousand, Counting by Hundreds, Reading 3:05 on a Clock, Rectangles.
Hardcover, 128 pages.
Math Concepts covered:
- 5 + ? = 7
- 3x + 4x = 7x
- x + 4 = 7
- Circles
- Ellipses
- Squares
- Rectangles
- Reading 6:00 on a Clock
- Reading 3:05 on a Clock
Other Math Concepts
- Numbers that Add to 7
- Sets
- ≠ (not equal)
- One Million
- One Thousand
- Counting by Fives
- Counting by Hundreds
- Days of the Week
- Leap Years
- Spelling February
- Dressing for Cold Weather
- 15 Degrees Below Zero (–15º)
- Deciduous Trees
- Deciduous Teeth
- Archimedes 287 B.C. Wrote The Sand Reckoner and Got Killed Being Rude
- ante meridiem (a.m.)
- Donner and Blitzen in German
- Euclid Wrote The Elements
- Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
- Whales Are Not Fish
- The “There Are Zero . . .” Game
- the Popularity of Zero
- Why Boats Are Cheaper to Rent in the Winter
- Triangles
- Herbivores and Carnivores
- The Colors of the Rainbow
- A King in Checkmate
- The Story of the Titanic