Make it your QUEST to learn the Constitution through this fun and engaging game! This is an entertaining and educational game great for adults and teens who want to learn and understand the freedoms guaranteed by this precious document. Learn the American system of checks and balances the way the Founders intended: separation of powers, checks and balances, powers granted and denied, and the constitutional amendments.
Constitution Quest has been field tested with players age 10 through age 84 with great success, with game cards designed for the novice or advanced player - even the person with little Constitutional knowledge can have fun playing with someone with a greater Constitutional IQ. Designed for 2-4 individuals or teams, this game has simple directions, and can easily be played in less than an hour. The more you play, the more you learn! Included with the game are a complimentary copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, as well as 223 game cards filled with Constitutional information including: 3 branches of government, powers granted and denied, checks and balances, laws from the Articles, the Bill of Rights and other Amendments, historical facts and dates, and more! Recommended by Glenn Beck. Sharpen your own Constitutional savvy while you teach your kids!
Constitution Quest has been field tested with players age 10 through age 84 with great success, with game cards designed for the novice or advanced player - even the person with little Constitutional knowledge can have fun playing with someone with a greater Constitutional IQ. Designed for 2-4 individuals or teams, this game has simple directions, and can easily be played in less than an hour. The more you play, the more you learn! Included with the game are a complimentary copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, as well as 223 game cards filled with Constitutional information including: 3 branches of government, powers granted and denied, checks and balances, laws from the Articles, the Bill of Rights and other Amendments, historical facts and dates, and more! Recommended by Glenn Beck. Sharpen your own Constitutional savvy while you teach your kids!